Art of Janice Bell

Art of Janice Bell

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

#7 Figure Snippets

Didn't upload all of them, just this one page that I wasn't too embarrassed over. :)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

#3 - Folds Study

Ugh I need to keep up with these better. Lately I was preoccupied with finding an apartment, and soon I'll be consumed with packing and moving. But still, should make more time for these. Anyway, still reading Gurney's Color and Light and decided to do a folds study.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

#2 - Light and Form Exercise

So I got a copy of this beautiful thing of knowledge:

About 40 pages in and I've already learned a lot of basic stuff I either forgot or should be more familiar with, like the terms for how shadow falls across an object. I decided to do another "back to basics" exercise and did these sphere studies based on the explanation of form principle on page 46 of the book.

 Diffuse Light

Hard Light

Saturday, January 31, 2015

#1 - Acrylic Color Wheel Exercise

Every week as part of my personal goals for work I'll be doing some sort of 2D fundamentals exercise. Last week I decided to go back to basics and make a color wheel with acrylic paints. The reds and oranges aren't mixed too great but meh, this is more of a warm up of sorts. :)

2014 Art Dump